The Automobile Adventure Genre

557-OctaviusClick at the picture

The Adventure of the Hasty Elopement
R: Charles M. Seay. B: Frederic Arnold Kummer. D: Barry O’Moore, Julian Reed, Viola Dana. P: Edison Company. USA 1914

The Adventure of the Hasty Elopement (1914) describes itself in a lengthy subtitle as ‘A story of Octavius, Amateur Detective, by Frederick Arnold Kummer, based on a story from the Pictorial Review, October 1914.’
Frederic(k) Arnold Kummer, Jr., was a member in high standing in the development of the Detective Short Story, the short form having been the predominant form from Poe to after World War II. Many of his short tales were adapted as silent films of the ‘teens & ‘twenties, but his heyday had passed by the time of the talkies, despite that he continued to write for detective pulps & sold steadily in hardcover collections. The influence of Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes was profound in Kummer’s day, even to adapting the phrase ‘The Adventure of the’ preface for each story in a collection.
The quarter-hour Adventure of the Hasty Elopement is actually a spoof of the detective genre, in that amateur sleuth Octavius (Barry O’Moore, who played Octavius in a handful of these short films) may think himself another Sherlock, but seems to be shy a few deductions. He buys an automobile, quite a pleasant vehicle, & the film should be classified ‘automobile adventure genre’ which was a real film & book genre that lost its cache when autos had been around long enough to take for granted. (…)”
Paghat the Ratgirl