Comedienne and Tragedienne

Twee zeeuwsche meisjes in Zandvoort
R: Louis H. Chrispijn. K: Feiko Boersma, H.W. Metman. D: Annie Bos, Christine van Meeteren, Theo Frenkel. P: Maurits Binger / Maatschappij voor Wetenschappelijke en Artistieke Cinematografie. NL 1913
Print: EYE collection

“In Twee Zeeuwsche Meisjes in Zaanvoort (1913) we see a somewhat plump Annie [Bos] as one of the duo who go to the seaside and… well, that’s about it, they go to the seaside, and they improvise some comedy, and passers-by in the background stare on in amusement. Boerenidylle (c.1914) is similarly unencumbered by narrative. Annie is courted by her farmhand boyfriend, nothing dramatic happens at all, and the scenery is beautiful. Full-on drama comes with the delirious De Wraak van het Visschersmeisje (The Revenge of the Fisherman’s Girl) (1914). Exploiting the availability of an exotic dancer (…), this impressively ludicruous mini-drama has two characters savaged by a quite sizeable python, which brightened up the audience no end.”
Luke McKernan: Pordenone diary–day four, October 14, 2007
The Bioscope

De wraak van het visschersmeisje (With the Viper’s Aid)
R: Jan van Dommelen. D: Annie Bos, Willem van der Veer, All’Aida. P: Filmfabriek Hollandia. NL 1914
Print: EYE collection

“Annie awaits the arrival of the boat bearing Hendrik. On his arrival she greets him warmly and takes him home to her mother. Anxious to see what he has brought back, Annie tries to open his portmanteau, but he stops her, saying that it contains a dangerous snake, which he intends to present to the zoo. They spend happy days together, until a fascinating gypsy girl visits the village and attracts Hendrik’s attention. He soon tires of Annie, and his love for Aida ripens. (…)”

>>> Boerenidylle on this site: Annie Bos