Die Lokomobil-Fabrik R. Wolf Magdeburg-Buckau
Original distributor: Bild- und Filmamt (BuFA) (Berlin). D: Olaf Fønss. D 1912
Shoot: July 16, 1912 Magdeburg-Buckau
Print: Bundesarchiv / Filmarchiv
11 min.19 sec. – 11 min.25 sec.: Olaf Fønss as “Feuergott”
>>> Olaf Fønss: Atlantis, Verdens undergang
Click on the picture to view the film on filmportal.de
Hänschens Soldaten
P: Messter-Film. D 1913
Print: Landesfilmsammlung Baden-Württemberg (from the Filmbestand Margarethe Steiff Archiv)
Animation movie showing puppets of the plush toy company Margarethe Steiff, Germany. A boy wearing a sailor suit plays with soldier puppets and falls asleep. In his dream, the puppets come to life.
Click on the picture to view the film on filmportal.de
Lieb Vaterland, magst ruhig sein
P: Deutsche Bioscop GmbH (Berlin). D 1914
Print: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung