How Germany Prepares for WW I (1)

Die Lokomobil-Fabrik R. Wolf Magdeburg-Buckau
Original distributor: Bild- und Filmamt (BuFA) (Berlin). D: Olaf Fønss. D 1912
Shoot: July 16, 1912 Magdeburg-Buckau
Print: Bundesarchiv / Filmarchiv
11 min.19 sec. – 11 min.25 sec.: Olaf Fønss as “Feuergott”

>>>  Olaf Fønss: Atlantis,  Verdens undergang

599-Hänschens SoldatenClick on the picture to view the film  on

Hänschens Soldaten
P: Messter-Film. D 1913
Print: Landesfilmsammlung Baden-Württemberg (from the Filmbestand Margarethe Steiff Archiv)

Animation movie showing puppets of the plush toy company Margarethe Steiff, Germany. A boy wearing a sailor suit plays with soldier puppets and falls asleep. In his dream, the puppets come to life.

530-Lieb VaterlandClick on the picture to view the film on

Lieb Vaterland, magst ruhig sein
P: Deutsche Bioscop GmbH (Berlin). D 1914
Print: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung

>>> How Germany Prepares for WW I (2)